For some, life has no worth!

At least they are consistent in their view on life.  Whereas we believe in the value of all life beginning in the womb until natural death, all of the Democrats on a committee tonight reaffirmed their belief that life is expendable regardless of the person’s stage in life.

Last night, all of the Democrats on a House Health and Human Services subcommittee clearly demonstrated they are comfortable with eliminating vulnerable people by voting to defeat a bill aimed at saving the life of a baby that survives a failed abortion AND voting for a bill to legalize physician assisted suicide.

The Born Alive Infant Protection Act (HB 664), introduced by Delegate Nick Freitas (R-Culpeper), would require every licensed physician who attempts to terminate a pregnancy to (i) do everything medically to preserve the life and health of a baby who has been born alive following a failed abortion as would be given to any other child born alive and (ii) transfer the baby who has been born alive to a hospital for further medical care.  The bill failed to pass on a party line vote 5 - 3.

However, that same committee voted party line 5Y - 3N to APPROVE a bill (HB 858) introduced by Delegate Patrick Hope (D-Arlington) that would allow a so-called medical doctor to prescribe an adult diagnosed with a terminal condition medication that ends the life of a patient with a “terminal illness” (i.e., physician assisted suicide).  As evidenced by other states that have legalized assisted suicide, insurance companies are telling terminally ill patients that life-sustaining treatments will no longer be covered; and it would undermine the most basic principles of our civil society by exploiting those who are weak and vulnerable.

On top of all that, a bill (HB 1414) has been reintroduced this year by Delegate Elizabeth Bennett-Parker (D – Alexandria) to reinstate the estate tax, commonly known as the “death tax,” which amounts to a double tax on property and takes so much of what a person planned to leave as an inheritance to their families. It appears some Democrats in the new majority truly do believe in that old saying that “there are two things for certain in this world: death and taxes.”

As we make our way through session, the values of the Democrat majority are being revealed - today it was that the life of innocent infants, people with disabilities, or the elderly do not deserve the care they need and are expendable.
For other examples of misguided priorities, I encourage you to read: Save the Journalists, but Not the Children!  


Teachers More Important than Parents?


Save the Journalists, but Not the Children!