Join us for “Mama Bear” Day!

Calling all “mama bears” and those standing for our cubs!

During the General Assembly, come join us to challenge our representatives to respect parental rights in key legislation -- and vote against any efforts to undermine those rights in Virginia law. We are stronger when we speak together! We need as many mama and papa bears--and supporting concerned citizens--as possible to join forces on this day, stand together at a press conference and visually demonstrate to support policies that protect parental rights. Join us, wear the color blue, and get your Mama Bear Day stickers!


Stand in the gap to:

  • Speak against measures that treat parents like criminals, reporting them to state officials, if parents are deemed not “affirming” enough of a child rushing down a path of changing their “gender identity.”

  • Speak against efforts to wipe out a parents’ right to know or weigh in if a school official—or someone else--takes their child to have an abortion.

  • Speak against efforts to remove parents from the process of determining whether their children will be exposed to explicit content at school.

  • Speak up for Sage's Law - a measure that would stop schools from hiding information from parents when their kids are experimenting with gender identity at school.


What: Parental Rights Day (Mama Bear Day!)

When: Thursday, February 15th from 9:30 am - 3:00 pm

Where: The day begins at The Family Foundation of Virginia office and ends at the State Capitol. You'll have the chance stand up for parental rights at a press conference; meet with your elected officials; receive recognition on the floor of the House of Delegates; and get up-to-the-minute information from The Family Foundation’s policy team on the status of key legislation affecting your parental rights!

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