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BARDA 2019 nCoV Market Research

BARDA is providing a portal for the U.S. government 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) medical countermeasures task force to provide a single point of entry for the submission of market research packages and meeting requests from interested stakeholders.

The U.S. government, in response to the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak, seeks information from stakeholders on available medical countermeasures in development. We are particularly interested in products and technologies that have progressed into or beyond non-clinical trials, have established large-scale cGMP manufacturing capability, or utilize an approved platform. Information regarding diagnostics, therapeutics, vaccines, and other products or technologies relevant to addressing this outbreak are sought.

At this time, we ask for a very brief (500-word) description of your product or technology, accompanied by a brief white paper, slide deck, manuscript, or other non-confidential information of your choosing. Please note that while we will use any information you present as market research, submission is no guarantee of funding and your submission will be shared across U.S. Government agencies involved in nCoV medical countermeasure research and development.

Ideal technologies and products would (but are not required to) be:

  • - Relevant to the U.S. government nCoV medical countermeasure research and development efforts and/or Emerging Infectious Disease rapid response capabilities
  • - Utilize an already-approved platform, have non-clinical data suggesting efficacy, and/or have significant manufacturing capability
  • - Fully owned or licensed by your organization (you have full IP rights and/or freedom to operate)


Submit your market research package and meeting request: USG CoronaWatch Meeting Request

Last Updated: January 30, 2020
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